It’s highly appropriate that I begin knitting “the Sunlight Shawl for Sad People,” as soon as I can, because I recently found out I’m in dire need of more sunshine. I’ve been out of sorts and recently found I’m severely lacking in vitamin D. So supplements and sunshine are in order – STAT!

I adore the name of the SSFSP, and it will be my first shawl. I just ordered some Bronotta Aerial colorway Golden Pear from  the Tinsmith’s Wife in the dear little town of Comfort, TX. I messaged them last night from an Instagram photo because it looks perfect & Wendy said its sure to be the perfect match-up for the shawl. I can’t wait! If I’m lucky it’ll show up tomorrow and I can cast on.

In other knitting, I have to wash my yarn (balsamic vinegar spots from its time as the 5th Avenue Infinity scarf) for the sleeves of my Lila.  I did find the Woolite, so if I wash it tonight, I can let it dry in the sun tomorrow & then get back to work. I need to finish it for my upcoming Oregon trip.

Speaking of travel knitting, I snagged some Moonrover Stalagmite on Wyld as a Valentines treat. I love her yarn! I need add to my sock collection. The hand knit socks I made last year are my favorite & the best thing I added to my wardrobe. I have a ball of Moonrover Botanist left from last year and will try the SeaWall pattern from TinCanKnits graciously gifted over their Holiday season of sharing. I’m aiming to WIP through all of my untried ravelry library. Which leaves me the Tenement socks for the Stalagmite.

Will these lofty goals come to light and help lighten my spirits? We shall see, but one fact remains it is far easier to knit outside than to sew outside. And life dictates that I catch some rays to increase the Vitamin D and banish the sluggishness felt by its absence.

For as long as I’ve planned my new and improved sewing space, I’ve pictured my sewing desk going here, just to the right of the window.*

I’ve diagramed the room on graph paper. I’ve made scale sized rectangles to represent my various sewing furniture. I just can’t seem to find a flow that makes sense, which is a new obstacle for me. 

I’ve been scratching my head on this one for weeks. My husband insists that its a case of trying to put the cart before the horse and that I should just wait until everything is finished before I make myself crazy. “You’ll figure it out, just wait.” 

And the thing is, I know that he’s right. I’m just impatient. I have hardly sewn anything because My mind jumps from “what do I need to do right now to finish x?” to “when my space is finished I won’t have to unpile my desk before I get started. I won’t have to move my WIP from the dining table before dinner.”

So I stall in the hopes that stalling will help the construction process speed up or that being in the new space will be like Ganesh removing these sewing obstacles. When in reality, just like having writer’s block, I am the obstacle. My own proven stumbling block. Stalling in my own creativity out of fear that I will mess something up.

A far cry from my post on turning to my available resources and educating myself about new techniques. Well, guess what? I’m kicking “fear of messing up,” out. No sir, that will not be welcome in my new sewing space. 
*(And the unsightly A/C will be disguised by tall ornamental grasses or a decorative fence or something, so I’m told.)